Saturday, May 11, 2013

Back from a 20 mile ride. I've been doing longer rides, mostly between 30 and 40 miles, but this one was with a strong SSW wind off the bay and  rain, so I thought I did pretty well.  I decided to try to conquer Allerton Hill before my ride, since I'm usually too tired on the way back to even think about it. Allerton Hill starts two streets over from where we live and so instead of heading out of town as usual I turned right, went two blocks and than took on the hill. I can't say that I actually conquered it, but I did manage to get very near the top. I have noticed a change in my biking since going over the handle bars. I am much more cautious on down hills. I use to love going as fast as a could on the downhill, but since Thursday I bike down like a little old lady.  I'll be back on Monday. Tomorrow being Mother's Day I will drive into Boston at 7:00 A.M. to walk 3 1/2 miles with Corinne & Jill for the Mother's Day Walk for Peace 2013 sponsored by the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute.   

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