Thursday, May 9, 2013

Flip over handlebars

Where to begin.  It's windy, cold and rainy , but that is not why I am not riding my bike today, but instead playing around with starting a blog. It came to me in the shower today.  And yes, all my best thinking occurs in my morning shower. I've decided to rest my body today after tumbling over my handlebars yesterday. I was very lucky. Only a few bumps and bruises, mostly my right elbow and shoulder. Of course I was wearing a helmet, and I landing right on the top of my head. It all happened so quickly. My first thought was "I wonder if I have a concussion" my next thought was " here I am lying on the sidewalk and no one is even stopping to see if I am dead" as the cars went whizzing by. So after a minute or so I decided I might as well try to get up and see if I was OK and just than someone did stop. He said he saw me flip over the handlebars and came back to see if I was OK. By that time I felt OK enough to stand up and assure him I was.  After resting for a few more minutes I walked myself and bike down to the Hingham rotary and stopped at the Hingham boathouse to rest. A very kind gentleman who was working there offered to take me home, but I declined saying that I would call my husband if I needed a ride home. My bike was fine and I decided I could make it home. I scraped my plan to continue my ride to EMS. I took a different route home, using 3A which has a nice wide breakdown lane instead of Summer Street, which is two lanes, but no space between the road and sidewalk. Mistakenly I had chosen to use the sidewalk instead of the road on my way out.  I made it home and than either rested or sleep until this morning, when I got the brilliant idea to start a blog.
This will be my way of telling of my possible travel across the USA and also of my trials and tribulations of training. I have given myself until May 14 to make my final decision about going, but I think if I had to decide today I would say yes. 


  1. I look forward to hearing about more adventures, but fewer mishaps! Brava!

  2. I'm sorry it took the accident to get you going on writing this blog, but now, with your accident over with (in the sense of "been there, done that"), you have many more positive events to look forward to!

  3. What an amazing mom I have! I hope to have even half the determination and guts. Hopefully you've gotten all the falls out of the way and can now focus on the hills. Go mom!!

  4. Glad you are ok! I am thankful for helmets!!
