Friday, June 28, 2013

Day thirteen

We are in Helena, MT and staying at Carroll College dormitory. The accommodations are wonderful. We each have our own room and the use of a nice lounge area with a kitchen. I'm looking forward to a day off tomorrow.
Today should have been a reasonably easy day since it was only 55 miles, the first part being mostly uphill until we got over the Continental Divide and from mile 20 until mile 55 it was either downhill or rolling hills. But the heat got in the way. Someone's thermometer on his bike registered 101. Not sure if it was really that hot but it was very uncomfortable. When I finally got back here I was relieved to find that everyone else thought it was very uncomfortable for biking. I was going to be very unhappy if e dry one else thought biking in this heat was pleasant. It was the first really hot biking day we've bad so far. I will use Polly's suggestion from now on to wear a wet shirt and bring a second wet shirt along to change into when the first one dries. I wish I had done that today.
Kim is cooking in the kitchen. She had help earlier but I think the all left to shower. Not sure what she's cooking but it smells really good. They also made the meal for Shabbat and have it in a slow cooker for tomorrow.
Almost time for our community meeting. I should grab something to eat- I'm really hunger and we don't eat until after services which could be hours from now.

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