Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Day fifty-two. Springfield to Columbus, Ohio

Thinking about why I decided to do this bike ride I realized that I still may not fully know the answer, but I did come up.with some things I've learned because I've been doing this ride.
Here they are in no particular order of importance.

1. I can now tell you the geographical order of the northern states and their approximate size in comparison to each other. No small feat for someone that has lived on the east coast her whole life.

2. Truck drivers are very considerate of bike riders.

3. Washington state, northern Idaho and most of Montana are very beautiful, actually breathtaking in many parts, western North Dakota, northern South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio not so much.

4. I am very fortunate to be living in New England.

5. There is something wrong with using this much land for growing corn and soybeans.

6. Railroad tracks at a almost parallel line with the road are really dangerous for bike riders and even experienced riders can get caught in the tracks and fall.

7. Always stop at a bathroom when it is available because you never know when the next one will turn up. ( I knew this one, but I did pass this advice on to others).

8. A dirty bathroom is still better than peeing in the field.

9. That many people are not bothered by riding next to someone with a squeaky bike (even though it would drive me crazy).

10. How to keep kashrut.

11. How to kosher a stove, a stainless steel sink, and a microwave.

12. That when you adopt a highway you are obligated to keep that portion limiter free.

13. Minneapolis and St Paul are great biking cities. Columbus, Ohio is not.

14. Spokane, WA is very hilly.

15. There are numerous  ways to turn on a shower.

16. I am able to make good coffee in many various types of coffee makers.

I am sure that I will be able to think of many more interesting things that I have learned on this trip, but right now it is again time for bed. We are sleeping at a host family and I want to make the most of sleeping in a bed.

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