Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day eight

Sunday evening - 9:00  Sitting outside at a pretty poor excuse for a campground. At least I took a hot shower. Many only got cold water.
It was a long day, but not bad. The first part of the day was up and down hills until we got to miles 39. At that point we got on a bike trial and the riding was flat for the next 45 miles.  The most exciting part of the day was stopping for ice cream in Harrington. Our server asked if I wanted a single scoop or a kiddie cone so I said a single scoop which meant 4 - 5 scoops. It was huge, but I shared it with Dena and Ilan. Actually I managed to eat most of it but I did give them a couple  of bits each.  It was chocolate peanut  and very delicious.
Last night we had dinner at the synagogue, just our group. We also had two bottles of wine for the group of 16. So Eli and I shared one bottle and the rest of the group shared the other bottle. Somehow it just worked out that way. We did a Torah portion as well and Eli and I were partners to discuss some questions. It was a good thing that Eli is really good at that, so I really didn't need to give it too much thought.
I had a lot more things I could have written about but it will have to wait for another day. I am off dinner duty and now have breakfast and lunch duty which means I need to get up early to make coffee, so I am going to sleep.
Only  75 miles tomorrow. But it looks like a  very tough ride. All uphill for the first 35.

1 comment:

  1. I'm just catching up on all the blog reading, but something about this day, Day 8, is striking me as funny. It's probably the image of the wine shared by two and the attempt at the Torah questions -- actually it's the fact that you seemed puzzled by not being "good" at answering the Torah questions after the wine!
