Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day seven

Shabbat. Rest day. I think I can really say, probably for the first time, I love Shabbat.  Everyone else is off to Shabbat morning services and I am free to do whatever. This morning I took a walk around the neighborhood and found a yard sale. I bought a cute book for Etyan that has wheels and can also be a truck. It's fairly chilly here in Spokane today so I am sitting inside whe I write.
So to answer a few questions that my regular readers have asked. I really love hearing from you and yes I do read your e- mails to me even though I do not respond.  Please keep them coming. I was on dinner duty the first week which meant I would ride, shower and start working right away. Than we would eat, have our nightly meeting and have free time after 8:00 at which time I would blog and them read through my e-mail and crash for the. iChat. So even though I haven't responded do know that I am reading them and really enjoy getting them
The food and support have been fantastic. Breakfast is cold cereal or quick cooking oatmeal with milk or yoghurt, fruit , and peanut butter and great bread, if they remember to put it out. Lunch is on the road and is usually a choice of tuna, cheese, peanut butter and jelly with really good bread plus snack foods and fruit. I'm going to add fig newtons to the list. We also have one or two rest stops with the same food except no tuna.
Dinner has been incredibly good so far. There is always a vegetarian option if we have meat and also gluten free, plus everything has to be Strickly kosher. More on that another time.
We always have a salad, and lots of veggies. We've had a tofu stir fry, beef barley soup and barley mushroom lentil soup for the non meat eaters, chicken with dried fruit over rice, and other memorable meals that I can't remember at the moment, but they we all really good.
Last night was a pot luck put on by both the reform and conservative congregations. It was impossible to try everything but I made a very good effort. I also made sure to grab a very fudgy brownie as I went through the line because I could tell that they would be gone if I waited until I was finished eating dinner. No wine and no chocolate is my normal now. But I must say that brownie was very good.
It is now close to 1:00 and my host family will be returning soon. We start tomorrow at 7:00 riding out of Spokane to Pinehurst , ID distance of 89 miles

1 comment:

  1. Bernie, I was not getting your posts, so amy sent me the link. Glad to be reading as you ride. butch is downstairs watching the bruins with Gil; we invited him for dinner but he had company, so he came for dessert (fruit) and hockey playoff. sfe travels. margie
