Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day three

After yesterday's ride I think the powers that be decided to give us a nice easy day to recuperate, so it was only 28 miles, although a group of us did an extra 4 miles because we got off the trail too soon and wound up biking a few miles longer around Wenatchee, WA which really is not a very pretty town, at least not the part we rode through. It does have a very nice bike loops though.  A really pleasant little town that we biked through was Cashmere.  A few people stopped at the bakery and if I figure out how to add a picture I could add it here. Maybe I'll ask someone tomorrow. I actually could ask someone right now. We're basically getting ready for bed. No camping tonight. Tonight we're sleeping in the gym of the Pioneer Middle School. The only problem isthat there is a very noisy air conditioning  unit making a constant loud noise. Maybe I'll move my stuff out to the hallway.
Back to the ride.  We rode from Leavenworth to Wenatchee through some really beatiful country. I have to remember to stop and take some pictures. Usually I am too much in a rush to get to where we need to be that I don't stop,but hopefully I will change that approach.  I was a beautiful ride (until we left the bike route in Wenatchee.

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