Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day four

Today we biked from Wenatchee to Soap Lake. I am one of the few people left in the Soap Lake Elementary School since most others we t to an art show and talk at the Art something or other in Soap Lake. The was no way I was going to stay awake for an art lecture. We biked 57 miles today. I think I'm getting stronger but it's hard to tell. During the first half of the ride we had a strong tail wind, which really helped. We mostly rode as a group for the first part of the day and broke up into smart groups as the day progresses. I mostly rode with Dena and Hannah after lunch until Hannah got a flat, her second of the day, and needed to take the van back.  So than I rode with Dena for the rest of the time.  Dena's very sweet and is a senior at U. Of Maryland. She's a stronger rider than I am, but stayed with me anyway.
Now back to flat tires. There were a lot of flat tires today. Hannah had two, Dov had one and so did I. It's strange that never had a flat with my old tires,  but now with my new super duper new Kevlar new tires I get a flat. Besides that it seems that I couldn't think about two things at the same time - my flat and also to unclip my foot. So of course I fell. At least it was on my right  knee this time. Now I have bandages on both knees. Kind of reminds me of when I was a kid.
Luckily others stopped who knew how to change a flat. Even with two people who actually knew what they were doing it took some work.
The rest of the day went pretty smoothly. We stopped for lattes at the small town of Quincy and than continued on. By this time the wind had shifted and now the wind was from the north and also a slight rain. It was nice getting into the school. Sadly I could not say the same for the shower. I never did figure out how to get hot water out of the shower head, so I wound up taking a less than pleasant shower. I really love a nice hot shower. Not to be.
By this time it was 4:00 and time to make dinner. I am on the dinner crew for this week. I made a tofu stir fry with help from others cutting stuff up. It actually came out pretty good.  Ari made a quinoa dish which was also very good. I was almost too tired to eat, but amazingly found the strength to have dinners.
It is now about 8:00 PM and I will be going to sleep very soon.  Our ride tomorrow is 72 miles. Let's all hope for a nice tailwind.
I was going to get help to posts some pictures but they all went to the art show

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