Monday, June 24, 2013

Day nine

Today was a bit of an unusual day. It started off on a wonderful bike path and we rode  for about 22 miles. For the first 16 I rode with Dena and Ilan. They usually ride ahead of me, but they were both tired this morning so they rode much slower.  Our first rest stop was in a small town of Wallace where the three of us stopped for breakfast at a local breakfast place.  From there we checked out the bakery and I  bought a brownie for dessert for tonight.  Back on the bike path for 8 more miles, than a few more miles on the road. And than we picked up an unpaved trail for the next 10 miles.
I wrote the above this afternoon, but now it is 11:00 and I just got bAck to camp. I need to get up at 5:30 to make coffee so I will need to finish my day either tomorrow or most probably Wed.  We have a very long riding day tomorrow and than a service day on Wed which is like a day off. Today was a very crazy day.
 It i must say I just eat the brownie from the bakery in Wallace and it was so.good.

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