Saturday, June 15, 2013


I made it to Seattle. As I am writing this at 5:00 P.M. Friday acternoon I am sitting outside and it is beatiful.  It is now Saturday morning.  Nancy sat down to chat so I put my phone away.
Saturday morning. We are staying at Bastyr  University which is known for its alternative medicine program.  The group is having Shabbat morning services, which I went to for the first hour, but now I am sitting my the gardens. They will be praying for another hour. This afternoon after lunch is Torah study and than free time until 6.
Yesterday was our first test ride.  We rode 3 miles mostly downhill to a little park, had lunch, and than rode back, mostly uphill. I usually love going downhill but couldn't really enjoy it knowing that I would be biking up going back.  The good thing is that I did make it.i had to stop for a red light about 2/3's of the way up and rested for 3to 4 lights,but got to the top and so felt pretty good.
I am writing this now from my new iPhone and it is taking me forever.  Our first real ride is tomorrow. I'll let you know how I do. The good news is that there are others that ride at my pace, well at least one.

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