Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day fifteen - Helena to Bozman

I am waiting at the last rest stop for the last rider. I choose to get in the van along with two other riders at mile 75, mainly because the last 25 miles were uphill and it is very hot. at the moment I am sitting in the shade on the grass. I am hoping he will come in soon.  We was sweep for the day so needed to stay behind with the slower riders, but than the slower riders took a ride with the van so he had to ride by himself.
Everyday one person is the "sweep" which is the person who rides in the back to make sure everyone is OK. My turn was on Friday. For the most part I ride by myself,which really suits me. I don't like to talk while I bike and I really like to just look around at the magnificent scenery. Also I like to bike at my own speed, instead of trying to keep up with someone else. So in order of speed it is Arye, than Dena and Ilan , Terry( but he usually bikes slower to bike with his wife Freddie ), after that it's usually Hannah, but not always, than Freddie or me and lastly is Kim . I think we are all getting stronger, but I think I am effected by the heat more than others.
Today I missed the turn at mile 65. I wasn't even looking for it, but realized I had missed it after I stopped for ice coffee at Wheat Montana Deli and Bakery and looked at my que sheet and realized I had missed the turn. I was biking back when the van drove by looking for Hannah. It was a good time to just get in.
Yesterday I left off abruptly with Arye. The reason being was that I had written a huge amount and than first I had trouble finding it and than once I found it I couldn't add to it so I figured the best thing was just to publish it and continue today.
Kim is in her 50's.  She's been the weakest rider, but she is getting stronger every day. She's incredibly nice and really gets group dynamics. She gets along with everyone and has a very pleasing presence.
Terry and Freddie are a married couple. Freddie is the wife and Terry the husband. She is 66 making her the oldest member of our present group and Terry is 65. They pretty much hang out with each other. Terry is pretty reactive and Freddie is the peacemaker.
The is one more very important person who rode this us just for the first week, but I'll write about her  
In a future blog. It's time for dinner

1 comment:

  1. Wondering how long it would take to get from the berkshires to Hull (sp?)? I see future biking expeditions in these areas but with no talking of course.:)
