Tuesday, June 11, 2013


It's Tuesday afternoon. I still need to finish packing, but decided to take a break. Thinking about today I really did get quite a bit accomplished. Did a pretty good job of clearing my desk. There's still one pile, but I've never been able to clear it completely. Next I showed Butch how to pay bills with Quicken and Bank of America. Decided which bike carrier things I would take and brought my bike and bike stuff to a bike shop to be boxed up. Got my hair cut. It didn't really need a cut, but thought it best to start out with it short. 
Came home and started getting organized and packed. Did some last minute laundry. Will do the remaining laundry tomorrow and than Butch, who has never ever done the laundry will be on his own. Talked to Jill. She's coming tomorrow morning to help me decide what to bring. I love it. 
There is only one very slight problem, but it is driving me crazy. For the last few days I have been putting things I plan to take on the pool table; toiletries, biking clothes, rain jacket, spare tube, head lamp, etc. And now the spare tube is gone and so is the head lamp. It is driving me crazy. I am SURE I put them with everything else. 
As I am writing this a new thought comes to mind. There is a basket of misc. biking stuff. Where is that. On the floor in the kitchen. Oh, yes and there is a bag next to it from REI - various energy bars, an extra mirror, Hammer Perpetuem Solid Tablets that I promised Bob Platka, my biking coach, that I would buy. Also my Star Bucks instant coffee. So that's where I put my extra tube. Still haven't found my head lamp, but at least I can stop looking for them on the pool table. It's good I only have one more day to drive myself crazy.
After my hair cut I made a quick stop at the apartments. There was one little area that never got weeded. Also there was this one ornamental grass that could use some trimming back of the dead stuff. I did not have my clippers so I broke them off by hand. Not a good idea. I choose not to bike since Friday, to insure not injuring myself before I left, so now I have three paper-like cuts on my figures from the breaking off the dead grass stems. I guess I should pack some figure band-aides. 
We had a great family day on Sunday. Jill had slept over Saturday night and her and I took an early morning walk on the beach. By the time we got back Corinne and Eytan were already here and playing on the beach. Noam was biking down and coming later. Jason would get here around 9:00. Butch was playing tennis and would get back around 9:30.  Brunch was on the front deck. After brunch Butch and Eytan spent the rest of the morning on the beach until it was nap time. The late afternoon meal was lobster, grilled corn, pasta with pesto, and broccoli.  Sue joined in for what was my going away family dinner. I couldn't have asked for a better day. 
Corinne, Noam, Eytan and Jill slept over Sunday night, so I got to see Eytan for another half day. He had no idea when I gave him a few extra hugs and kisses what this was all about. I will miss the little guy. 
I leave for Seattle early Thursday morning. I am finding it all a bit hard to believe.

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