Sunday, June 2, 2013

Still getting use to the new pedals

I guess it was inevitable  - I fell over trying to release my left clip. At least I fell on my left side, because my right side isn't completely healed yet from flipping over the handle  bars. It's a good thing I grew up on the farm and got use to scraped knees and elbows. I also got a few pretty bad bumps from being hit on my forehead by a baseball bat. I think I was a pinch runner and I was standing too close to the hitter.  I was the only girl in a neighborhood of boys. 

Anyway, back to riding. Today was just a nice gentle ride through Cohasset Center and back via Jerusalem Road.  I was amazed at how many other bikers, runners and walkers were out at 7:30A.M., but with the temperature going up to the high 80's or low 90's it's good to get the riding in early. I had planned to take a second ride this afternoon to check out Hull's first Gay Pride Party which was held near the Coast Guard Station, not far from Hull gut, but a friend was coming along so we decided to drive, which was a very wise decision. I think I would have gotten blown away - literally blown away. Not sure how many mph the wind was blowing but it was too windy just to be outside, let alone bike. The good thing is it will be cooler this week.  I think I'll do a long ride on Tuesday.

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