Friday, June 7, 2013

Yesterday may have been my last long ride until June 16th, when we officially start the Hazon X-USA ride.  Rain all day today, Saturday friends are coming for brunch, Sunday the kids will be here to say good-bye, Monday is a possibility, but Corinne and Eytan are sleeping over and it will be my last time with Eytan for nine weeks. Tuesday I need to bring my bike to the bike shop to get it boxed up so I can take it on the plane. I leave for Seattle at 7:00A.M. on Thursday.
The really good news is that I love my new clips. The not so good news is that I am still falling. I think I should just leave a big bandage on my left knee for the whole nine weeks. 
Yesterday my day started out by going to Somerville District Court. Not a great way to start the day, especially because I needed to be there at 8:30, which meant I needed to leave Hull by 7:00 A.M.  It should have been a phone call to the court to change the date of a   case that is scheduled to be heard June 14.  I will be leaving for Seattle June 13 and returning on Aug 16. Could they postpone the case until I get back. No, you have to appear before the judge. Great. I sit in the courtroom for 3 1/2 hours, hearing restraining order cases, than landlord tenant cases and than finally at 11:50 I am called up.  It seems a no brainer to me, but apparently not to the judge. He keeps asking me when did I make my flight. Does he not believe that I am doing this bike ride. Who knows. He schedules a second hearing about delaying the case so that the plaintiff can be notified and appear in court. I get home a little before 1:00 and out on my bike by 1:10.
What a difference my new clips made. They actually clipped in and out like I expected. I have no idea why they didn't put these on in the first place.  
The temperature yesterday was wonderful, a very comfortable 68 degrees. The wind was from the east.  If there is going to be a wind I want it from the east so that going out is into the wind and coming home is with the wind. My first stop is only 5 miles out to have some pretzels. I haven't really eaten lunch. My next stop is at the Dunkin Donuts in Scituate harbor, mile 16.  I am ready to eat lunch, but want something quick. I try their grilled cheese sandwich and a small iced coffee. Very greasy, but otherwise not bad. On to Kennedy Gardens, mile 20. I walk around looking at all the plants. I spend more time their than planned. There's an interesting variegated caryopteris, which I had never seen before. Time to get back on the bike. I head for home, thinking that if I want to do more than 40 miles I could continue past 'V' street to the end of Hull. It's an easy ride home - the wind is with me. I'm at 'A' street and the bay, my phone is ringing and I know it is Butch - he's at Costco and probably has a question for me. I stop to answer the phone. I unclip my right foot, but than did I loose my balance or just forget to unclip my left foot - I have no idea but what I do know is I am falling. 
My left knee is bleeding (exactly the same place I fell before) and it hurts under my left armpit. I bike home, take a shower and relax with a glass of wine or maybe two.  
All in all it was a good day. I make a note to bring a good supply of large bandages.

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