Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day thirty-one Hotel in Montevideo

Just finished complimentary breakfast.  Even had the waffles and a poppy seed muffin. The best part was just being able to seat and slowly drink my coffee and than enjoy a second cup afterward.  Freddy and I are up, but the four others who we shared the room with are still asleep. I think they will probably sleep until noon. Catching up on sleep in big.
Not sure what I'll do the rest of the day. There's a pool and hot tub here. The pool is heated to 84 degrees. Town is about 2 miles away. I may take a walk later and treat myself to dinner. Not sure if I get together with the rest of the group who stayed at the camp grounds. It was unclear exactly what was happening today or maybe I just didn't pay attention.

Time - 1:30
I am now sitting in a Mexican restaurant. I just ordered a margarita and canaries a la diabla. The restaurant has no windows and so it feels like it could be evening. From here I'll walk to the hotel and  join the group in listening to "the little war on the prairie" which is an American Experience production. It's about how the people in Minnesota  slaughtered the Dakota Native Americans here. Today being Tish a Bahav we are suppose to be sad so we are only seeing sad things. We all voted on a movie to see today and Sophie's Choice won, but Netflix doesn't have it, so I think we are going to see Forks over  Knives. Not sure how sad Forks over Knives is but it at least has to do about food and not eating meat.
Back on the bike tomorrow. Hoping for clouds and a tailwind.

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