Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day twenty five. Lemmon to Mobridge

Another day in South Dakota. I thought it would be flat because we were told that the Dakotas are flat. Not true. It was a fairly rolling hills day, not bad but not what I expected. I biked most of it but by 3:00 it was definitely too hot for me to continue. Others do not seem to even notice the heat. At rest stops to am known as the Shade Queen. Sometimes I get to the rest stop and the coolers are not even in the shade. I'm not sure what people actually notice.
I did manage to bring iced coffee for the rest stops. This was very exciting. On Saturday when we stayed at the church we made iced coffee which I froze in an empty mayo jar. So now I pack the frozen iced coffee in the day cooler and there is enough defrosted for me to have a cup at around noon.  It's been quite nice.
Also we have a new member who joined us last night. His name is Gilad and he's 30 years old. He seems to fit into the group very well.
I'm not sure what to do about this heat. We lost another hour today so tomorrow morning when we get up at 4:30 it will feel like 3:30, so since I'm on breakfast duty I should get the coffee ready.
Tomorrow I'm in charge of the group meeting and my agenda is to reorganize how things are done.
Kim, who is very calm will be my co chair.

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